What affects the product efficiency of organic fertilizer manufacturing machine


The production process of organic fertilizer requires strict requirements, not only can the organic fertilizer machine manuracturing the products, but also ensure its fertility, whether the contents reach the standard. And whether fertilizer can play the role of increasing production, increasing income and improving soil in farmers' production. What factors affect the fertility of organic fertilizer?
1. The control of water is the key factor, too dry makes the organic fertilizer difficult to play a role in the actual production, prolonging the action time, too wet is not conducive to the preservation and use. At the same time, the moisture index and drying degree affect the survival period of the strain. Our drying system ensures the appropriate moisture index.

2. The number of effective viable bacteria. Without enough effective bacteria, there is no biological fertilizer. We provide roller press granulator, which can process fertilizer without drying production process. On the other hand, the drying system we provide ensures the number of viable bacteria.

3. The formula of raw materials. A good formula can guarantee the number of effective bacteria and provide more nutrition for crop growth. Of course, our organic fertilizer manufacturing machine is to prevent these raw material formulas from being damaged or changed due to production and processing, so as to ensure the product effect.

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