Application precautions of bio organic fertilizer


Biofertilizer to be used in the agricultural industry, and the bio organic fertilizer equipment is to be designed for producing the bio organic fertilizer. In the fertilizer manufacturing process, it is to be equipped with different type and series fertilizer equipment to finish the production process. But what precautions of the bio organic fertilizer when it is application?

1. Select qualified microbial fertilizer. The products with low quality, the number of effective living bacteria can not reach the specified index, the content of mixed bacteria is high, or the products that have passed the validity period can not be used.

2. The death of microorganism in fertilizer should be minimized. The direct sunlight should be avoided. The seed should be mixed in a cool place. After the seed is mixed, it should be sown in time and covered with soil immerdiately. Generally, bacterial fertilizer cannnot be mixed with harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

3. Creat suitable soil environment. The application on acid soil should be neturalized and then applied. When the soil is too dry, it should be poured in time. After the heavy rain, the ponding in the field should be removed in time to improve the permeability of the soil. Generally, the bio organic fertilizer is to be designed and produced into fertilizer granulator by using the fertilizer granulator machine.
4. Different microbial fertilizer should be popularized and applied according to local conditions. For example, bioorganic fertilizer should be widely used in legume crops, and phosphorus and potassium solubilizing microbial fertilizer should be used in soil with high nutrient potential. The production technology of rotary drum granulation fertilizer can process special compound fertilizer

5. Avoid long-term use after bag opening, and pay attention to sealed storaged to avoid bacteria loss. If it is not used for a long time after opening the bag, other bacteria may invade the bag, which will change the microbial flora in the fertilizer and affect its use effect.

6. Avoid use in hot and dry conditions. Under the condition of high temperature and drought, the survival and reproduction of microorganis in microbial fertilizer will be affected, and it can not play a good role. Therefore, it should be applied in the evening in cloudy or sunny days, combined with measures such as soil cover, manure cover, watering etc., to avoid direct sunlight or lack of water for microbial fertilizer to play a role.

7. Avoid mixing with unripe farmyard manure. When mixed with unripe organic fertilizer, microorganisms will be killed due to high temperature, which will affect the development of microbial fertilizer.

Besides the bio organic fertilizer to be produced and used, the organic fertilizer, which it is to be designed and produced by using the organic fertilizer production line, is also to be used in the agriculturial industries.

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