Processing technology of commerical organic fertilizer
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The main materials for the production of commerical organic fertilizer include livestock manure,municipal sludge,domestic garbage,bran,crop straw,sugar production and paper filter mud,food and fermentation industrial wastes and other urban and rural organic soild wastes.In terms of materials sources,the range of materials is quite wide,but the ingredients are also extremenly complex.
However,no matter for any raw material,the production process of commerical organic fertilizer is no more than two parts.One is the process of rettinng fermentation and maturity of organic materials,which is used to kill pathogenic,microorganisms and parasite eggs for harmless treatment;the other is the granulaion production process of maturity materials,which is used to make organic fertilizer have good commerical properties,stable nutrient content and fertilizer effect,convenient for transportation,storage,sale and application.